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About Tip Top Tailors

Tip Top Tailors Menswear Online Store

For over 100 years TipTop Tailors has been synonymous with quality menswear at great value.
Our heritage, like a great fitting suit has been the perfect foundation … but it doesn’t stop there.

To build a business and a wardrobe you need to keep things fluid, and Tip Top has lived by this
. Each season we re-invent ourselves through our Brands and collections.

STYLE, like DNA, is individual.
STYLE should be fun an effortless.

From Work to Play, our Brands and collections adapt to create a wardrobe that’s right for “You”.
We assure the quality, modern styling and exceptional value … you provide the charm, confidence
and personality to make it your own.

With over 100 locations and 1000’s of knowledge associates, we invite you to visit us to find your

Source: Tip Top Tailors online