McAdoo’S Store, Website, Opening Hours & Addresses

About McAdoo’s


I started McAdoo’s in 1997 as a “lawn-mowing” business…when I was in university pursuing an accounting degree.

This little business helped cover a lot of my expenses during those years.

Ironically, before I finished my accounting degree I realized I was NOT going pursue life behind a desk.

I enjoyed being outside, using my hands (as well as my accounting brain) and I also enjoyed interacting with people. 

On top of that, I guess I did a few things right because my little lawn mowing business expanded to include a few other property-related services…so I kind of had a business to step right into after university. 

Since the late 90’s, McAdoo’s has grown to provide multiple property-related services to our customers from Windsor to Wolfville to Kennetcook.

The secret to our modest success can probably be attributed to the following:

  • Answering our phones when people call…or at least getting back to them fairly quick.
  • Giving clear, detailed quotes. (And sticking to our quotes as much as possible.)
  • Showing up when we say we will. (Or pretty close to it.)
  • Giving our customers a great finished product…as well as a great experience. 
  • Treating our customers with respect. A very easy thing to do, but often forgotten these days. 
  • Delivering high-quality results, for very reasonable prices.
  • Hiring great people.
These are things that are important to us, as homeowners…and we know they are important to you too.

If you don’t already have a favorite Property Services company…give us a call.

We’ll do everything we can to make sure your experience with McAdoo’s is a great one!