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About MC Rally

Mc Rally Online

You’re an Owner. You have a business. And, we’re pretty sure you didn’t start your business so that you could do bookkeeping, accounting and tax.

You started your business to do something you love. To make an impact. 

To have the freedom and flexibility you can’t get working for someone else. So did we.

But let’s face it. You have a business, whether it’s a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship.

And, whether you work as a contractor, freelancer, designer, entrepreneur or solo-preneur, you have to file taxes.

And you need high-quality financial information to make choices about your business. 

But you don’t have to spend your evenings and weekends catching up on the last 6 (or 16) months of expenses.

You don’t have to lie awake wondering how much you’ll end up paying in taxes this year.

You don’t need to wonder why your bank account never has as much as you expect in it. 

You don’t have to spend your time slogging through tax and accounting regulations or blog posts searching for answers.

Because every moment you spend trying to figure out your accounting, is a moment you aren’t doing your business.

It’s a moment you aren’t making money. It’s a moment you aren’t spending with your family and friends. 

And YOUR business needs you. YOUR clients need you doing what you do best. 

Your work. Growing your impact. Making choices and decisions with the best information you have available. 

But every moment you spend trying to figure out your tax and accounting, is a minute you don’t get to spend doing any of those things.