Alena Harelik Notary Public Store, Website, Opening Hours & Addresses

About Alena Harelik Notary Public

Alena Harelik Notary Public Online

The transfer of real estate is the most significant financial decision, and it happens thousands of times each year in BC.

To perform the transfer of property requires legal assistance.

To establish right to your property or to sell this right, specific documents must be filed and registered in the land title office.

The registration means that the property has been transferred to a new owner.

We are pleased to provide you the help to carry out the transfer of your real estate.

Mortgage Refinancing

If you consider a mortgage refinancing to take advantage of lower interest rate, to have cash on your hands or to consolidate your debts, you need to pay off your current mortgage early and enter in a new mortgage contract with any lender.

In most instances, the lender does not lend money directly to the borrower. Instead, the lender transfers mortgage proceeds through a notary’s trust account. 

In such cases, we receive your lender’s instructions together with other mortgage documents and prepare them for execution and registration in the land title office.