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About Zak & Decker Law

Zak & Decker Law Online

  • Experience

    Our law firm has more than 30 years of experience handling, negotiating, and winning personal injury and car accident (ICBC) claims in Kamloops and the BC Interior.


    Our lawyers focus solely on Personal Injury Law. We facilitate cases ranging in severity from minor injury to wrongful death as a result of vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle or pedestrian accidents

    Your Recovery Comes First

    Our clients’ rehabilitation and treatment is top priority.

    We utilize experienced medical experts and therapists to monitor your recovery and establish how the injury has impacted your livelihood and lifestyle.

    If your current medical coverage does not cover these expenses, Zak & Decker will carry the cost until your settlement has concluded.

    No Recovery, No Fee

    You don’t pay anything until your claim is settled. Our fee is a percentage of the damages recovered. If there is no recovery, there is no fee.