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About Winnipeg Movers

Winnipeg Movers Online

Now the parent company of Winnipeg Moving & Storage, S. Krulicki & Sons Inc. was founded in 1975 by Stanley Krulicki and his four sons – Kenneth, Ronald, Terry and Bradley.

Newly formed, the company’s operations began with the purchase of Gimli Transfer & Storage, a local trucking company, based out of Gimli, Manitoba.

The largest source of revenue in the early years of operation was freight and, to a lesser extent, furniture moving.

S. Krulicki has been a member of Allied Van Lines since the company’s inception.

Continuing its quest for expansion, in 1986, the company opened offices in Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, and Brandon, with warehouses located in both Winnipeg and Thunder Bay.

In the late 1980’s, the company sold the freight division, focusing its efforts on expanding its moving and storage business.

In 2000, S. Krulicki & Sons was purchased by Bradley Krulicki, who has led the company into the 21st century.

The company resurrected the freight business in a more specialized fashion, hauling blanket-wrapped loads across North America and returning with freight.

During this time, the company also increased its sales force to become Allied’s #1 private household booker.

Further, the company also increased its hauling fleet with Allied Van Lines, becoming Allied’s 2nd largest hauler.

Winnipeg Moving, and its sister company Traditional Moving, are Allied’s exclusive agents based out of Manitoba and North Western Ontario, moving families from coast-to-coast and internationally.