West End Food Co-Op Store, Website, Opening Hours & Addresses

About West End Food Co-op

West End Food Co Op Online

West End Food Co-op

The West End Food Co-op is a multi-stakeholder co-operative that includes eaters, producers, workers, and community partners.  We aim to provide viable food security initiatives that are specific to the needs of our west end communities.  Examples of these kinds of initiatives include the Sorauren Farmers’ Market, our Community Cannery, Food Mapping Project, and our latest endeavour of opening a Food Hub in the Parkdale CHC.   

West End Food Co-op connects local farmers to local eaters, and produces self-sustaining initiatives that work for the community.  Our co-op is working to increase markets for local, sustainable farmers and artisan producers; a fair, democratic, and meaningful workplace for our workers; an inspiring, community-driven, and welcoming place to shop, learn and connect for eaters; and a resource and valuable partner to work with community groups in Parkdale and across Toronto to improve food security and access to good, healthy, real food in our neighbourhood and beyond.  

We aim to provide the means for people to make empowering food choices, and have access to fresh, healthy foods.

Please note that over the past five years WEFC has changed and evolved as a co-op, and particularly with the dream of creating our Food Hub nearing ever closer to reality, the following Vision, Mission Statement, and Values will continue to change and evolve with us every step of the way.

A thriving local community food culture that has a positive impact on the economy, environment and society and promotes a connection to a sustainable global food system.

Mission statement

The West End food Co-op will:

  • Promote co-operative values and ownership;
  • Act as a catalyst for local food security by coordinating community driven food initiatives; and
  • Provide the local community with a full-service grocery store that focuses on selling products that are ecologically sustainable, local and healthy, such as fair trade and organic;


The West End Food Co-op values:

  • Ethical transparent governance that is non-hierarchal, locally controlled and culturally diverse;
  • An organization that is agile, resourceful, pragmatic and promotes innovation;
  • Food Initiatives that provide quality member service while ensuring a strong quality of work in a living wage model;
  • Community leaders and hope to set an example of how multi-stakeholder co-operation can be prosperous for all;
  • Quality assured groceries that focus on purchasing local, direct from producer, human, organic and fair trade;
  • Direct and personal relationships between producers and consumers; and offers fair wages to its workers and pays fair prices to its farmers
  • Use any generated surplus to increase access to the co-op to the different demographics in the west end community
  • Co-operation, through organizational education and mentoring.

Source: West End Food Co-op online