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About Wadi Food
Wadi Food has experienced phenomenal growth since 1986, when 30 hectares of olive groves were planted 85 km south of Alexandria, followed in 1993 by another 400 hectares of olive groves 50 km north of Cairo. In 1995 Wadi Food extra virgin olive oil was introduced to the Egyptian market with superb results.
In 1996, the company built pickling and storage facilities and introduced table olives, pickles and olive pastes to the market. The following year, Wadi Food acquired a first-class industrial mill to further improve the quality of its olive oil.
Following spectacular sales of its products, the company planted an additional 150 hectares of organic olive groves 50 km north of Cairo in 1999. In 2002 the company launched a product line of Italian delicacies and, in 2003, launched a line of pasta sauces. That same year, Wadi Food expanded its product range with the introduction of high quality balsamic vinegar, capers and natural bee honey. In 2004 a new line of French, Greek and Lebanese products were added. In September 2006 the company launched the Wadi Organic product line, which includes fresh produce, and the Wadi Gourmet product line with its specialized olive oils and other ingredients used by professional chefs.
From just 7,000 olive trees planted on 30 hectares of desert land in 1986, Wadi Food has grown to more than 930 hectares along the Cairo- Alexandria Desert Road devoted to the production of organic food. An additional 680 hectares of land are currently being cultivated in Wadi Natrun.
Source: Wadi Food