W. Masri Notary Corporation Store, Website, Opening Hours & Addresses

About W. Masri Notary Corporation

W. Masri Notary Corporation Online

W. Masri Notary Corporation is a Notarial Firm located in the heart of Vancouver BC .

Our Experienced Notaries and highly trained staff are always ready to assist clients with the purchase or sale of a property, the set up of a Mortgage or Line of Credit or help out with estate planning needs such as drafting Wills and Powers of Attorney.

The Notaries are also available to carry out Notarization on a walk in basis with no appointment necessary.

The tradition of Notaries goes back over 2000 years – to the dawn of recorded history.

Notaries laid down the Codex Hammurabi, the oldest evidence of recorded law.

Notaries were also employed by the Catholic Church to guide the light of civilization through the Dark Ages.

The Notary’s reputation for trustworthiness meant that documents retained a stable reliability throughout centuries of upheaval.