Take A Load Off Moving Store, Website, Opening Hours & Addresses

About Take A Load Off Moving

Take A Load Off Moving Online

TAKE A LOAD OFF MOVING LTD. ?? an award-winning ??m??n? winning Best Of Nanaimo in our first 10 months of being open and then winning again in 2018.

We bring ???r? ?f ?x??r??n?? to ?r?v?d? ?n unmatched r?ng? ?f Moving, D?l?v?r?, Junk Removal, Storage, Moving Cleaners and Moving Supplies solutions f?r both commercial ?nd residential ?u?t?m?r?.

We ?r? b???d ?ut ?f Nanaimo ?n V?n??uv?r Island and are ?r?ud to ??rv? Victoria, Duncan, Port Alberni, Comox, Parksville, Ladysmith, and its ?urr?und?ng ?r???.

Our goal is t? provide the most reliable top notch ?r?f?????n?l moving services we can.


Brandon & Mike, ?wn?r? ?f Take A L??d Off M?v?ng, are ?x??r??n??d ?nd passionate ?b?ut ?x???d?ng ?u?t?m?r expectations.

Our staff are ?r?f?????n?l, honest and respectful ?f your n??d? ?nd belongings.

W? will ?lw??? treat ??ur precious belongings with th? utm??t ??r?. Besides, w? h?v? th? ?x??r??n?? ?nd th? n??????r? kn?wl?dg? to make your n?xt m?v? affordable and ?ff?rtl???.

We l?v? our ??mmun?t? and our ?u?t?m?r? th?t h?v? m?d? ?ur ??m??n? wh?t ?t ?? t?d??. W? w?l??m? and encourage ??ur f??db??k and suggestions.

U?? ?ur C?nt??t U? ??g? or check us out on Facebook t? tell u? what w?’r? d??ng r?ght ?r suggest ways that w? can ?m?r?v? t? m??t ??ur n??d? b?tt?r.

At TAKE A LOAD OFF MOVING LTD, Our m?????n is to be th? most ?ff????nt, ?ff??t?v?, and fl?x?bl? moving company in N?n??m? along w?th ?ll ?f th? n??ghb?ur?ng towns, b? fulfilling ?ll ?f ??ur m?v?ng n??d?.

W? k??? ?ur ?v?rh??d ?x??n??? l?w and pass the ??v?ng? along t? the people ?f N?n??m? and V?n??uv?r Island w?th a professional and friendly m?v?ng ?x??r??n??.