You Will Also Find at Parker's Mattress Flyer - Circular - Catalog In Quebec, Canada

About Parker’s Mattress

Parker’s Mattress Factory Stores Vancouver
Parker’s mattresses are made by hand, in our factory on Broadway in Vancouver. We examine, then improve on the name brand mattress designs with our own innovation. Our beds with “interchangeable components” mean you are never “stuck” with a mattress you don’t like.
At any time, with “no hassle”, you can change anything about the mattress you don’t like, right in your own home. If it is too hard, you can make it softer. If it is too soft, you can make it harder. No need to dispose of an expensive mattress and buy a new one any more. If it sinks too much in the middle, we can replace the springs in less than 15 minutes, in your home, all by using our revolutionery new “zippered cover” technology.
You would buy generic (No-Name) medications, sour cream or pasta. Why not a mattress? Why buy a mattress that you can’t change as your body changes when you can buy on that does?
Source: Parker’s Mattress online