About Kidsland Daycares
See individual locations for details.
We provide a safe, play based, nurturing environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional cognitive and creative development of children.
We believe that development can be accomplished through play.
Play, child initiated, child directed and teacher supported is an essential component of our program.
Play, independent, social and co-operative becomes a very powerful process of development.
Our teachers are facilitators for such play.
They prepare the environment that provides stimulating, challenging materials, experiences and equipment for children.
Children have the opportunity to direct their own activities.
Then our teachers listen, observe, support and interact to extend and enhance play.
Our Out-of-School Programs are designed to extend the school learning experience.
As well, we give the opportunity for children to relax and unwind after a full day at school.
Although we have planned activities, it is the child’s choice to join them.
Field trips, films etc. are included in the program whenever possible.
At all times, children will be suitably guided, protected and supervised.