About Jacinta Gallant Lawyers
“Never cut what can be untied” is the inspiration for Jacinta’s work. After many years as a successful litigation lawyer, Jacinta now works exclusively as a settlement advocate – using her highly developed skills and wisdom to help people untangle the knots of conflict and be the designers of their own solutions.
Jacinta is the principal of Waterstone Law Group, a firm specializing in innovative legal services for families.
She has delivered highly acclaimed training programs to lawyers, mental health and financial professionals in Scotland, England, the Netherlands, Australia, USA and Canada.
Jacinta has a keen intelligence, engaging personality, and a practical, non-judgmental approach to conflict.
Her trainings are interactive, structured and insightful – with the goal of helping professionals be more authentic and natural in their work.
Jacinta was educated at the University of Prince Edward Island (B.A. Political Studies), Dalhousie University and University of Victoria Law Schools (LL.B./J.D.).
She has extensive academic and professional dispute resolution training and teaches both advanced and introductory courses.
Jacinta is a former member of the Board of Directors of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) and has been chosen as part of the IACP Training Faculty to deliver Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice training throughout the world.
She is the founder of collaborative practice on Prince Edward Island and is a leader in the national and international collaborative practice community.
Jacinta has two young adult children and lives with her husband and 2 dogs in Stratford, Prince Edward Island.
She travels extensively, often delivering conflict resolution training where she goes. With a strong yoga practice, a deeply rooted family and a love of nature, Jacinta is a grounded, adventurous human being.