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About Harry Rosen
Source: Harry Rosen online
Harry Rosen
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Harry Rosen, CM (born 1931) is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the Canadian luxury men’s wear store Harry Rosen Inc.
Rosen has been active in the Canadian Paraplegic Association, Corporate Fund for Breast Cancer, Cancer Care Fund, Mount Sinai Friends for Life Campaign, Ryerson University Board of Governors, George Brown Board of Governors, University of Western Ontario Board of Governors, Design Exchange and the United Jewish Appeal. He served a three year term as Campaign Chairman for the Canadian Cancer Society, Metropolitan Toronto.
In 2004, he served on the Mt. Sinai Board of Governors, Ryerson B.Com program in retailing advisory board and on the Cabinet of Major Individual Gifts for the United Way of Canada.
He appeared in a promotional campaign for the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health to promote services for those affected by addiction and mental health issues in the Toronto area.
In April 2010 he was honoured at a fundraising event for The University Health Network called “Hats Off To Harry”
Source: Wikipedia – Harry Rosen