Grapeview Daycare Store, Website, Opening Hours & Addresses

About Grapeview Daycare

Grapeview Daycare Online

Grapeview Daycare is a licensed non-profit centre, established in 1988, wholly operated by Grapeview Free Methodist Church, bordering a quiet residential area.

We are conveniently located close to the QEW, Hwy 406, and Fourth Ave Hub.


At Grapeview Daycare, we believe children are entitled to opportunities that support and encourage their emotional, social, cognitive, physical and spiritual growth and development.

We seek to stimulate and develop children’s creative thinking and problem-solving skills through both teacher-and child-directed activities.

We strive to promote a positive self-image for each child by encouraging exploration, fostering the development of social skills, cultivating friendships, and promoting a strong sense of community.

We support, encourage and facilitate a co-operative working relationship with parents in order to meet the needs of the children entrusted to our care.