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About FYidoctors

Fy Idoctors Online Store

FYidoctors Story

FYidoctors was founded by some of Canada’s top eye doctors. We came together because we shared a belief that the quality of eye care in Canada has diminished in recent years and we are setting out to change this – to bring value back to our patients.


FYidoctors is Canada’s newest and one-of-a-kind concept in eye care and eye wear. Over 95 locations across Canada have merged in an effort to invest in the betterment of our patients. This means that we invest in all the latest advancements in eye care, such as equipping our locations with advanced diagnostic instruments to give patients the most comprehensive eye exam, AND we manufacture (right here in Canada!) the latest frontier in lens technology so that patients can experience what it feels like to actually SEE better!


The founders of FYidoctors believe that no one is in a better position to determine the eye care needs of Canadians than eye doctors. From both diagnostic care and product perspectives, we are the undisputed experts.

Despite this, we have seen more and more private optometric practices shift their care and services to mass merchants and big box stores – companies that would have you believe that eye care services and products are a commodity and that all services are equal.

These shifts are understandable. Practitioners who stay “private” pay more for products, do not have the tools to educate the public on the range of quality of eye care products, and are seen as expensive. This creates a vicious circle where private practice optometrists are less able to invest in their practices and new technologies, and may find it necessary to use products that they are not passionate about. In the end, it is the patients that lose.

Thankfully, there is a solution. FYidoctors, with its unique partnership structure, wholly owned 100% Freeform lens laboratory, exclusive brands, and strong support team, enables doctors to control their own destiny. FYidoctors gives private practice eye doctors the ability to provide their patients the newest technologies in diagnostic care and products AND great value. FYidoctors is not about sitting back and watching eye care being taken over by those that see diagnostic eye care as a “cost of doing business”.

Our model is simple. We combine the passion and quality care offered by independent practitioners with the clout and pricing of a large corporation. FYidoctors is about not having to compromise on our eye care potential. For patients this means a winning combination of quality and value. For eye doctors it means not having to compromise on quality of care.

Dr. Al Ulsifer
FYidoctors CEO

Source: FYidoctors online