Creatures Pet Store Store, Website, Opening Hours & Addresses For Pet Care

About Creatures Pet Store

Creatures Pet Store Online

Creatures Pet Store has operated in Victoria for approximately 20 years.

Creatures Great & Small Ltd originally opened on Johnson Street; it was then relocated to David Street, and now operates at 770 Bay street and has since 2004.

Ty & Christina, the current owners purchased the store in Sept of 2010, and along with them they brought new ideas to affect positive changes and set new standards.

The pet industry has changed a lot over the last 20 years and continues to do so, but one thing that has not changed is peoples desire to have, love and care for their pet animals.

The types of pets available to today is quite different than in the past, especially exotic pets like reptiles, and marine or salt water fish.

The products available to care for these unique pets has also changed and improved a lot.

Today caring for a lizard, frog, clown fish or live corals is not only easier but you will be successful due to the well designed products available, the increased know how and not to forget the vast amount of easily to find information on the internet.