About Connected Valley Electrical Ltd.
Planning to go to university for engineering Brendon at the last minute decided to change his plans and become an electrician with a goal to travel and eventually have his own company.
He soon after began his apprenticeship at the same company where he gained experience in large school upgrades, commercial work and industrial maintenance.
With an already large and diverse list of work experience he decided to make a change to another company specializing in residential electrical maintenance and new construction.
After a period he decided to take a break and planned a trip to Canada and the United States to gain an outdoor education and snowboard instructors certificate.
Mount Washington became the destination of choice and immediately upon arriving he fell in love with the place and knew this would be somewhere he would return.
Upon returning to New Zealand he completed his apprenticeship and became a journeyman in 2013.
Since that time he has worked for two different companies in New Zealand, based in residential, commercial, industrial and farm systems.
As the winter of 2013/2014 approached Brendon was offered a job at Mount Washington as a snowboard instructor and not wanting to miss an opportunity to return to the Island he accepted.
Soon after he became injured snowboarding and in an attempt to keep him working he was sent to the kids snack and daycare area where he met his other half, Jennifer.
After the season Brendon returned to New Zealand and Jennifer soon followed to spend a few months together before returning to the island for the next winter.
With the poor snowfall they moved to Prince George where Brendon began his first electrician job in Canada and decided to challenge the Red Seal exam and soon after gained his Red Seal certificate in Canada in 2015.
Once returning to the valley Brendon and Jennifer had their first child, Torsten and Brendon began working for a local company.
However very shortly after he made some excellent connections with contractors and tradesmen in the valley and decided to start working for himself in the beginning of 2017.
Things moved at a good pace for Brendon but as time passed he decided he had a good foundation in place and wanted to grow his company.
Soon after creating some connections with other tradesmen and business groups in the valley work picked up and the business quickly grew to the team he has now of another journeyman, Brad and two apprentices, David and Melanie.