About APBS Accounting
Paving the way since 1988
The story of Accounting Plus Business Services begins in 1992 when Tony Chow, and his wife Rosanna, partnered with Steve Cate to buy a franchise with Comprehensive Business Services.
It was logical for Tony to assume chief management of the company with his significant experience in large companies like Arthur Andersen, Colgate-Palmolive and CIBC; while Rosanna committed herself to learn the accounting and administrative side.
As a people-person, Steve was better suited to sales. And, what was job one?
A horse-farming business.
The company grew in gallops from there to quickly become one of the largest Comprehensive franchises.
By 1996, Tony was not content working under the Comprehensive model, so they separated and he re-incorporated as Accounting Plus Business Services (APBS).
Four years later, APBS expanded from Accounting and Bookkeeping into Management Consultation focusing on Transitions, Restructuring, HR, Exit Management and Leadership Development.
In 2013, Tony started to learn table tennis.
Two years later the Ping-Pong Success Model was created to support the development of leadership capabilities among both clients and staff.
The story from here continues to be served up, but APBS is game for what comes next.