About Minken Employment Lawyers
Our specialized knowledge of the laws governing employment relationships, experience in dispute resolution and mediation, allow us to bring a unique and valuable perspective to the table.
Through almost 30 years of providing workplace related legal services to thousands of clients, we have gained a thorough understanding of the underlying motivations, thought patterns, aims and strategies often at play in employment law matters.
Relying on this expertise, we help our clients to develop insightful, comprehensive and practical strategies for winning cases as well as preventing and resolving workplace conflicts, regardless of which side we represent.
Avoiding and minimizing the effects of litigation is of utmost importance in the management of a successful workplace.
We are dedicated to finding the best and most practical solutions to prevent and resolve employment-related disputes outside of the courtroom.
Our approach of “prevention is the best strategy” helps us to achieve outcomes that:
Prevent Litigation
Limit Liability
Minimize Costs
Secure Optimal Entitlements
However, as employment litigation lawyers, we will also provide the highest level of employment law expertise while representing our clients in various levels of Court, boards and tribunals, including the Ontario Labour Relations Board and The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.